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Finally a Breakthrough Treatment!
If you have exhausted other treatments Ketamine Therapy may be the answer!
Hours by appointment only
There’s a Time and a Place for Ketamine.
Even the toughest individuals need help dealing with long-term pain. Usually, a person’s first reaction is to eliminate the irritation as soon as possible. Sometimes the issue is temporary, and he or she has the luxury of waiting for the discomfort to fade away. Too often, sufferers of chronic conditions have little to no choice in the matter. They must either (1) bounce back and forth between potential solutions or (2) wait—with no foreseeable end on the horizon.
The human mind and body can hold together under significant amounts of pressure. People throughout history have shown resilience in a variety of trying situations, but no one should have to face chronic pain alone. Depression casts shadows over every aspect of daily life. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stretches the human mind to its limits through psychological tension, and it can render a person easily triggered. Fibromyalgia has a similar effect on the muscles. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) transforms a person’s daily routine into an agonizing hassle.
A mixture of panic and despair seems to course through the veins of long-term sufferers. When assaulted by such troubling ailments, mind and body sometimes need to call for reinforcements. If you struggle with one of the conditions described above, and if your symptoms have proven resistant to other treatments, ketamine could be your light at the end of the tunnel.
Doctors in the early 1960s purposefully crafted a medicine meant to treat the wounds that will not heal themselves over time. In the Vietnam War, the United States utilized it as an effective and convenient painkiller. Ketamine then made a name for itself as a sedative for both humans and animals. In recent years, visionary doctors have taken a renewed interest in ketamine due to its track record of groundbreaking accomplishments in chronic pain alleviation.
By rewiring nerve connections, ketamine can correct the damage which trauma and lingering stress can inflict. Imagine being able to turn back the clock on deterioration. A hostile and uncooperative nervous system does not have to be a normal part of your world anymore. Ketamine combats chemical imbalances to promote wellbeing. (It has become so much more than a tranquilizer since it was first created!)
Those coping with chronic pain deserve to know both sides of the issue. They deserve to know every available option. In the right hands, ketamine can be a powerful tool for healing.
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About Ketamine Treatments
First impressions can be useful, but initial evaluations do not always tell the whole story. Anyone who draws conclusions too quickly could miss out on the opportunity to make a lifelong friend, find a new career path, or receive a revolutionary medical treatment. The medicine ketamine is a prime example of this principle.
Unfortunately, a significant portion of the general public associates the substance with the party scene. Special K, as some call it, has earned a less-than-solid reputation due to its recreational use and reckless dosages by clubgoers.
Some also know of its effectiveness as an animal tranquilizer. Ketamine’s previous uses and abuses may have overshadowed its potential benefits to humans, but the medical pioneers at Colorado Infusion Solutions are working to turn the tide of perception.
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History of Ketamine
Humanity has come a long way since the discovery of fire, but many modern innovations follow the same rules. They accomplish the most good when people keep them in their place and handle them with care. A major advantage of ketamine is that it produces a predictable set of reactions across the board. Through numerous trials, ketamine remains exceptionally consistent in its timing. Once the medicine is administered, patients will experience a 20-minute lull with no reaction, followed by 45-50 minutes of feeling the effects (with minimal variation). An intravenous (IV) drip system delivers medicine to the bloodstream gradually for the sake of stable reactions.
Know what to expect when undergoing an infusion. When a patient is exposed to a dissociative anesthetic such as ketamine, it is only natural to experience dissociation, or an out-of-body experience. He or she may also feel a little numbness in the hands and face. Educated and self-aware patients (such as people who have read this article) should have few problems discerning sensations from the reality of the situation.
This anesthetic affords the patient more control than he or she may realize at the time. Numbness can create the illusion of paralysis, and disorientation can often create the illusion of movement. However, keep in mind that you will remain in control aware during every infusion, even if your senses get fuzzy. Ketamine will not cause people to see or hear nonexistent stimuli.
Think of your mind as an organic stereo system. Picture an expansive board of audio controls at a concert or a radio station. The sound engineer can twist the various dials to shift the balance between the bass (low-end) and treble (high-end) notes. Now think of your senses as those dials. Ketamine tunes down the tactile, or touch-related, aspects of the overall human experience. This temporary suspension of sensation paves the way for recovery. Of course, a serene environment also helps.
Considerate staff members make all the difference, especially in cases of mental health treatment. While we refuse to prod the patient with unwanted attention, our team is always available to help at a moment’s notice. Patients have also been known to listen to their favorite music during a ketamine infusion. Often, patients will feel a positive difference within hours of the first session.